Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why we are Three Dimensional

<This section will be much easier to understand once pictures are added>


In the left corner, we have Centrifugal, ie: Positive, motion!


And in the right, we have inward succulence, Negative motion!


Positive energy shoots out on a plane in all directions along the circumference of the spin.


Negative Force compresses into a central point, causing draws to come from every direction of a sphere.


As (+) Energy from the spin pushes out...


The pulling (-) Energy curves the flat (+) back in towards the center.


Because the point of (+) Energy is in a flat circle, the points of (-) Energy are strongest out of the center, straight up and down..  This is why the (+) Energy is pulled up and down, into 3 dimensions.  Forward/backword and side to side, from the (+) Energy.  And up and down from the (-) Energy.

1 comment:

  1. I did a blogpost similar to this that you might find interesting:


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The Unifying Theory Of Everything by E.A. Skanchy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License